Transition Counseling for Veterans

91303856​Life appears aimless.

Rob* feels like his identity is a mist fading away to nothingness.

He’s always known what to do but never felt adrift, hopeless. The military was his life, and now it’s over – just like that, it’s gone.

Rob never abandoned his soldiers, never. He focused entirely on their success and carried their burdens so they could focus on completing the mission.

Rob wonders, “What Do I Do Now?”

He stares at the screen, shocked, feeling the full weight of the unknown with no one to help him see a way forward.

Rob feels unsure about who he can talk to. He was never the best at building relationships outside of the military.

Now, he’s alone and makes matters worse by isolating himself.

Alcohol appears to be Rob’s only companion. It helps him cope in the moment, but his problems seem worse afterward. His despair deepens.

284371496Your military career has ended – but life has not.

It’s time to transition to your new identity and life.

Rob is not unique. Many of us have found ourselves in a position of feeling lost during significant transitions.

The painful emotions are completely normal when you’ve left behind the dedicated life you gave to the military like Rob did.

Together, we will sit and explore these tangled emotions, and as Rob and I have done, we will find out who you are and what you’re capable of achieving in the next stage of your life.

Let me help you do the same. Discover your new identity and set the stage for the next half of your life.

My goal is to help veterans transition.

I am passionate about my desire to help you transition from the military. I experienced many of the same emotions as Rob, and we both successfully started again. You have the strength to complete the same journey; I will help you make that happen.

The work you do will be transformative. Leaving the military is not the end but an opportunity to step into your new life and utilize your skills and talents as a civilian.

As you shed old ways of thinking and beliefs and adjust your perspective to see life from new angles, you will pave your road to freedom.

*Name and story are composite narratives and do not reflect an actual client.