Do you see clients in person or only via Telehealth?

No, I do not offer in-person sessions any longer. I used telehealth solely when I transitioned to a home office in 2019. I discovered how freeing it was in terms of convenience, time saved, elimination of traffic stress, etc.

It was an easy decision to move to a telehealth-only platform. I found, as did my clients, much more freedom and no adverse side effects from the transition.

What days and hours are your sessions available?
I meet with clients on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays at 10:00 am, 11:30 am, and 1:00 pm.
How long is a session?
Sessions typically last 50-60 minutes.
Do you accept insurance?

No, I do not. I am a private pay, out-of-network provider. Although I do not accept insurance, you may still be able to get full or partial reimbursement through your insurer.

To determine if this is the case for you, contact your insurance company using the phone number on the back of your insurance card and ask them the following questions:

– Are counseling services covered?
– Do I have benefits for “out of network” providers, like Rooted and Grounded Counseling?

I will provide you with a “Superbill” to provide to your insurance company for their processing. I also accept Health Savings and Flex Spending Account payments (HSA/FSAs).

Why don't you accept insurance?
I decided to separate from being in a network with insurance companies for several reasons. I desire to work with you individually and develop a customized plan while maintaining your privacy and confidentiality. In addition, I don’t like assigning a diagnosis code to you to process a claim.
What forms of payment do you accept?
You can pay via major credit cards (a processing fee will be applied), Zelle, & Venmo.
What is your cancellation policy?
I require clients to cancel and reschedule appointments more than 24 hours before their scheduled session time. You are responsible for the entire session fee should you cancel with less than a 24-hour notice.
Will I receive a reminder of my appointment?
Absolutely! It’s your choice to receive reminders automatically via either text or email before the 24-hour cutoff. Life doesn’t stop, and unexpected events are expected and understood. Sending those reminders gives you time to contact me to reschedule.
What gender and age are your clients?
My clients are male and female from 18 years of age and up.
Do you see couples or individuals?
I enjoy working with couples who struggle or want to improve on an already existing healthy relationship and individuals who wish to enhance their personal or professional lives.
What type of counseling modalities do you use?
While I utilize the Talk Therapy style and Socratic dialogue, Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy is the foundational modality for individual sessions. In contrast, I primarily use Gottman Therapy for couples and relationship counseling.
Will there be homework?
Great question! The short answer is yes. I will recommend various readings and applications of the strategies and tools discussed in the session. I hated homework as a kid, and I’m sure you did, too.
Does therapy help?

Therapy can be a game changer – or not. It depends on your desire to see change happen and your willingness to do the work.

You do the “heavy lifting” of therapy. It’s like having all the gym equipment available and deciding whether to use it. Growth only occurs when you commit to using the equipment regularly and consistently.

Is therapy hard?

There isn’t necessarily a yes or no answer to this question. Based on your willingness to take an honest look at yourself and do the work certainly has an impact on the level of difficulty, as well as the subjects or events discussed and processed.

Yes, at times, it will be hard. However, it’s a good hard, as you find a new freedom in releasing the heavy burdens you’ve been shouldering. Perhaps you find a new perspective of yourself and others, enabling a lighter feeling. So yes, it can be challenging, but it is well worth the effort you put into it to gain a healthier self.

Can you guarantee therapy will work?
No, and I’m not aware of anyone who can. Every individual and their circumstances are unique. Your commitment to creating and seeing change is crucial to the high likelihood of seeing progress.
How will I know if therapy is working?

You will likely begin to feel and behave differently and have a more rational view of events. You will start to think more clearly, challenging your thoughts and processing your feelings instead of stuffing them.

You will notice a greater ability to respond rather than react to developments that arise. The way you see events will adjust to a more rational view. Lastly, others will likely notice a positive change in you.

What are ways you decompress?

I have several things I enjoy doing to create a more relaxed mind and body.

I love hiking trails or simply sitting in my backyard and listening to the breeze in the leaves and the other sounds of nature.

Cooking is an excellent way for me to experiment with new recipes, and believe it or not, I like washing dishes! There’s something about starting and seeing a project to completion – dirty dishes, wash, dry, clean, done!

Do you have any pets?
Yes! I have an American Bulldog named Bear (short for HuckleBeary). I drove from San Antonio to Florida to pick him up from a breeder right after work in 2016. He was the cutest and stinkiest little thing that has grown into 110 lbs. of goofy! He also enjoys the trails, albeit very slowly.
What's your favorite plant?
Well, that would have to be my Fiddle Fig in my office. Her name is Mable, and it is in honor of my grandmother. If you become a client, I’ll introduce you to her.