Couples Counseling

656530654Sometimes, couples wonder, “Is this even fixable?”

Travis* has a constant pit in his stomach. He feels ashamed, like he’s failed as a husband and a man. “Where do I go from here?” He feels numb and emotionally separated from his wife, Sarah*. They are strangers living in the same house, and their disconnection grows daily.

Sarah doesn’t know what to do. She wants Travis to be more open and share his feelings, but he seems like a steel trap. When Sarah brings up a problem, he shuts down, causing her to feel neglected and alone.

“What happened to the man I fell in love with? He was so caring and nurturing,” Sarah thinks, and misses the way it was. She aches to be desired and loved and needs to feel hope.

Sarah’s greatest fear was having a dead marriage, like her parents. Sarah feels overwhelmed, unseen, unheard, and frankly not a priority. She quietly weeps in bed at night and feels like walking away. Maybe they’d both be better off.

She feels stuck in this never-ending cycle of hurt and pain and wants it so badly to end. She wants to give up because nothing seems to help, and nothing has changed.

The loneliness is excruciating.

Both Travis’s and Sarah’s experiences are authentic and valid. Neither of them is a bad person, but they both feel alone and at the end of their rope.

They have become exhausted emotionally and feel so lost as to what to do to fix their marriage. Neither of them knows this about the other because they seem unable to converse without fighting and feeling criticized and defensive.

Their dream of connecting has become a nightmare, and they have no idea where to turn.

The painful, wounded heart becomes harder daily. Then, there is silence and retreat – causing Travis and Sarah to be further apart than ever.

159886289Sometimes, marriage can feel dead or at a dead end.

Perhaps you can relate to Travis’ and Sarah’s story. The relief you would feel by ending the marriage seems real.

Maybe you’ve thought, “I can stay, I should stay, but is this all there is?” Are you destined to exist in a lifeless marriage?

There is no desire. You feel unwanted, the life in your marriage seems non-existent, and your feelings are cold. You think life can’t be more miserable than this.

Discover hope, clarity, and understanding.

Travis and Sarah found healing, both individually and as a couple. They breathed new life into their marriage and created a safe environment for one another to connect and repair after misunderstandings and hurts. They courageously opened up in a safe counseling environment, allowing them to feel heard, seen, understood, and validated.

Healing your marriage can become your reality. Conflict does not need to be chaotic and scary. Learning to communicate your wants and needs clearly can be very productive. Stepping toward your partner to express yourself in transparency and vulnerability will develop a deeper intimacy and connection.

Yes, you can have life and love in your marriage instead of being roommates. You can cultivate joy, process sadness, and create an environment that nurtures understanding and appreciation. Create a new sense of safety, stability, and belief that your future together will be enjoyable and fruitful.

The struggles you are experiencing are real and painful, but it’s possible to transform them into joy and excitement.

2064578645Breathe new life into your marriage!

Let me share your journey of healing your marriage and discovering your innate value and capabilities.

You will see that no problem is unsolvable, and adjusting your perspective on a situation can bring clarity and the desire to move forward, even if it’s only short steps over time.

Thirty-six years of marriage helped expose me to how challenging, complicated, and rewarding relationships can be. A military career allowed me to build relationships with people from all walks of life, genders, educational backgrounds, and socioeconomic statuses. We faced hardships and struggles together. In this, I discovered a gift of empathy and guidance.

I will listen to your unique story, walk alongside you, and encourage transparency in a nonjudgmental atmosphere with understanding, compassion, and honesty.

Decide to create a new relationship life today.

Don’t wait! Start your journey today and reignite the desire for deep connection. Through couples counseling, you can gain an understanding of yourself and your partner.

You have the power to create the change you’ve needed, to be understood, heard, and seen – genuinely seen at your deepest level.

Let’s start your new life today!

*Names and stories are composite narratives and do not reflect actual clients.