Christian Counseling for the Struggling Believer

319170062“I don’t think I can make it.”

Susan* is shocked that she still has tears to cry. She is on her knees again, in her closet, in the middle of the night – agonizing over her daughter’s choices and devastating consequences. She feels exhausted and drained emotionally – mentally and spiritually.

When she realized she was carrying a child, Susan prayed that her child would have a good life. She continued this process of sacrifice and prayer over the years. But now her beautiful little girl has become a young adult, one Susan struggles to understand and, honestly, some days struggles to love.

Susan wonders if she will have the energy to carry on, pray one more prayer, and continue believing.

Questions arise in Susan’s mind as she wonders, “Will my little girl continue to struggle and make these poor choices in men repeatedly? Will I ever be free of such deep pain of watching my daughter fall away?”

Why is life such a struggle?

It’s excruciating. You ache physically, mentally, and spiritually. You sometimes wonder if it’s worth living “the Christian life.”

You see others succeeding happily. But your life seems to be one battle after another. You’re expecting the other shoe to drop any moment.

Some days, you want to give up. “Where are the Peace and Joy the Bible talks about?”

2216772877Giving up seems like the best option.

So, what happens now? The emptiness will grow more profound, and the separation from God becomes greater.

You may even decide to walk away. You continue to suffer and feel like you’re drowning with no hope of survival.

Life is at a crossroads for you. This time in your life can be a terrifying and lonely place to be. You begin to withdraw from friends, church, and God.

You are not alone – hope is still present!

Like Susan, your experiences and struggles are real and worth expressing. Together, we can explore your thoughts, beliefs, and your life.

Begin your journey to reconnect with your Creator and experience the abundant life that is part of your destiny.

321063872You are not alone when you feel hurt.

God is not afraid of your questions – He desires them. Let me help you enter a transparent and truly fulfilling relationship with your Creator. You’re taking the right steps now.

In a nonjudgmental space, you can explore and process your painful emotions to gain a deeper understanding of who God is and who you are and step into the freedom created for you to receive. I’ve worked with clients like Susan to help them find relief and contentment.

As a searcher, I had many questions, doubts, and skepticism, and by exploring these questions, I found peace and freedom. You will find that God will not reject, punish, or get angry with you. No, the opposite is true. He draws near to the brokenhearted.

I would be honored to walk alongside you as you enter this discovery, clarity, and growth season.

*Name and story are composite narratives and do not reflect an actual client.