Breathe Again

Cultivate Freedom and Hope

Couples and Individual Counseling in San Antonio, Texas

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How did we get here?

Travis is angry. What does she want from him? He tries to communicate, but it seems it’s not right, no matter what he says.

Is marriage really supposed to be this hard? It didn’t use to be. He remembers how he made her happy and felt like her hero. Those days are long gone.

Travis withdraws. He works longer than he needs to just to avoid being at home. He feels so alone in the marriage, and it’s too much work to address it – or is he more afraid of the yelling and hurt feelings if he confronts loneliness?

How good do I have to be?

Susan stares at the words in the Bible and wonders where the life-giving feeling is that she’s supposed to have. Her friends are well-meaning, but their words fall flat.

Sometimes, what she hears brings more guilt.

She’s lived her life as God intended. She wonders if she has done something to deserve this and what more can she do.

Susan thinks, “I’ve been good, so good, and followed all the rules. So why is life so difficult? Why is my family falling apart? Why do I feel like an outcast at church? How good do I have to be?”

The church is supposed to be a refuge, but she feels so alone there – like such a failure. She can’t burden others with her problems.

Who am I now?

Rob is facing the end of his military career and hesitates to click the retirement icon.

He remembers the day of his enlistment. He was anxious then, too, but it was mixed with a sense of hope and pride. He had found his calling.

Now, Rob feels like he is dying, or at least a part of him is.

So many memories and relationships were made and lost. He feels very alone, unsure of what the future holds. He’s faced danger. The fear he feels now scares him more.

Rob has always been there for his soldiers, guiding them, encouraging them, and carrying them through deployment, separation from family, and losing their fellow soldiers. Who will be there for them now?

Who will be there for him?


*These are fictitious names and scenarios used only to illustrate real-life situations.

Call today for a free consultation.

Start the journey to breathe freely again!

(210) 612-7968

Hi, I’m Michael.

The struggles you are experiencing are real and painful. They can also be transformed into joy and excitement.

You will see that no problem is unsolvable, and adjusting your perspective on a situation can bring clarity and the desire to move forward – even if it’s only short steps over time.

As a searcher, I had many questions, doubts, and skepticism, and by exploring these, I found peace and freedom. You will find that God will not reject, punish, or get angry with you. No, the opposite is true. He draws near to the brokenhearted.

I would be honored to walk alongside you in this new season of discovery, clarity, and growth.

More about me

Make the Decision for a New Life Today

TRAVIS found healing and breathed new life into his marriage by creating a safe environment for him and his partner. They could honestly connect and repair after misunderstandings and hurts occurred.

Travis and his partner became transparent with one another and learned how to communicate their deepest feelings, desires, and needs. This communication resulted in a more fulfilling marriage.

SUSAN allowed herself to openly discuss her questions, doubts, and fears without guilt or condemnation. As a Christian, she had been taught to push these thoughts away. I helped her understand God is big enough to handle any doubts and other big emotions she had. In fact, He is concerned with every detail.

There is freedom in discovering how much you are loved and the power of extending grace to yourself… just as God has. She learned to accept who she was created to be and grasp the confidence that was hers to be more than a conqueror in this life.

ROB learned how to develop new healthy relationships through therapy and courageously peeled back the protective layers he had created throughout his life. He now better understands who he was – and who he is.

He utilized the same energy and determination from his military career to create a new sense of freedom for himself and a clear path forward.

Don’t wait! Start your journey today and
reignite the desire for deep connection.

You can create the change you want – to be understood,

heard, and seen at your deepest level.

Let’s start your new life today!